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中国市场的快速发展,正伴随着更为严格的法规和准入门槛。这种情况下,去合适的场合见合适的人比以往任何时候都更为重要。 “亚洲交易博览”,作为在中国市场中打造出来的精华之作,旨在通过将本土精英与国际优选企业聚集在一起,创办一场行业内值得信赖的展会。过去2年中,我们分别在上海、广州主办过三场“亚洲交易博览”,已有超过7,500名行业人士和1,000多位企业高管通过我们展会觅得了商机,增强了对市场的洞察力。你,还在等什么呢?

The Chinese market is evolving with refined regulations and entry barriers for the unseasones. In this climate, meeting the right people in the right setting is more important than ever. The Asia Trading Summit brings together the crème de la crème of the Chinese market, creating the only trusted gathering for the local elite and selected global players. Over 7,500 industry participants and 1,000 C-level executives have already enjoyed the business opportunities and actionable insight of the Asia Trading Summits. What about you?

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